Thursday, May 6, 2010

WebQuest: May 6th - Cholera

16. What is Cholera ?

Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food.

17. How is it spread from person to person ?

It is spread from person to person by usually eating food or drinking water that is contaminted with the bacteria that causes cholera , vibrio cholera. Also it is because it spreads by you not being clean and giving out your food to someone else.

18. Why is it repeatedly affecting people in Iraq ?

It is repatedly affecting the people in iraq because of there quility of water and sanitation is really poor.

19. What is preventing the spread of cholera in Canada ?

It is not preventing anything because our water is safe and it is not contaminted . Also our water is fresh and clean it is all sanatized . Also we keep our things always clean and washed .

20. What are five things you learned about the spread of Disease ?

1. That water can be contamined and it can cause you a disease
2. Some foods can be causing cholera and you can get a infection
3. You can get germs from people who are not clean
4. Do not bring any kind of perishable seafood
5. Spreads to a person to a person by having poor hygine

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