Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 15 Friday may 7th 2010 THANKS GOD IT IS A FRIDAY :)

I am so happy because it is a Friday finally and today is hopefully going to be a good day because I am having a little get together at my house with my close friends and me and my mom are going to cook some great food today !

I woke up at 9:00am , went for my daily walk came back home just ate a half bagel with cream cheese and milk to drink with. My Mother had told me that I have a dentist appoitment around 2:30pm so I have to sign out early from school. I went to school , stayed until 2 and then left for my appoitment. The dentist told me that I should get braces and I think I should to so I am going to be getting them in 2 weeks. When the appoitment was finished I went home to help my mom out for the evening , we made loads of food such as , Biryani , Pasta , Salad , Tandrooi chicken , and for dessert my mom just bought chocolate fudge cake. I was so excited to have a piece of that cake because chocoalte cake is my personal favourite. I did not even get to do any physical healthy activite but I sure did yoga for 20 mins with my mom. My friends came over at 6 , we did a lot of things such as dancing , talking about interesting things and just chilling out there. I had a great day and was really happy ! Overall all my fridays come out to be good and im glad they do .

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