Monday, May 10, 2010

My personal Comment On : Hookah craze sparks warnings

I Personally think this aritcle is a good way to show viewers that smoking is a bad thing for your health , either it is smoking , cigarette , drugs , and hookah . I think the younger generation just loves to do fun things and they think that hookah or smoking whatever gives them joy but actually they need to learn whats good for them and whats not good for them. I myself admit I do smoke Hookah , once in a while but I do not go near any heavy smoking such as cigarette and drugs. I do not agree to one thing and which is like stopping hookah and like closing stores down and stuff because I think smoking hookah just once in a while is fine but not like constantly , then it is wrong but overall I think hookah is normal , becauase you don't Necessarily have to smoke tobacco . They have a herbal smoking hookah which does not affect you that bad it is way better then tobacco. Some hookah places now have stopped giving out tobacco and they are serving you with herbal because that is much better and safer for you.

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