Monday, April 12, 2010

Heart And Stroke

According to the Health Risk Assessment Report it says that my family history has many things to do with diabetes or high blood sugar , high blood pressure , high cholesterol and a family history of heart disease early in life.

It says about me that i have already started to make some healthy changes and i am going in a right path if i really work on it it can help me reach the level of success i deserve. Overall i am in a good path but it does tell me that i need to talk with my healthcare provider about taking a blood test because it might concern a high blood sugar problem . Also it says i need to talk to my health care provider about blood pressure and it get checked as soon as possible because there may be a problem because of my family history.

Basically now i need to do is to go and check out my blood pressure and high blood sugar thing and i hope there wont be anything wrong .

On facebook right now i have a positive comment from my friends and i always do because my friends never right anything neagative on my facebook which makes me feel very good about my self and my friends.

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