Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 1 Friday April 23rd !

Fridays for me is usually a very busy day ! My day begain with waking up around 9 am and then I got ready and

went outside for a walk for an hour.

I enjoy going on walks It is my daily routine going on a walk for an hour everday whenever I wake up in the morning. When i came back from my walk it was about 10:05 ish then , I had some breakfast to eat and I had Pankcakes and some milk to drink ! .That was a delicious breakfast :) it made my morning even better.

After my breakfast it was around 10:45 I got ready for school and left my house around 11:15ish . My dad dropped me off to school around 11:30 . My class starts at 12:20 so i was about an hour early for class..

When class started it was actually pretty interesting this class has made me learn really new things that i didn't even know ! After class I took the bus to sheridan College in Oakville I got there by 4:10 ish....

I usually go to sheridan college on fridays because me and my close friends meet up there and then we go out and do something fun and exciting ! So this friday when I got there we decided to go somewhere nice to eat

so we ended up going to Boston pizza near Amc Winston Churchill ! we took the bus to go there and got there by 5ish..... I ate a Small basic Cheese Pizza with a coke to drink with and it was amazing because i love eating cheese pizza and this wasn't a oridnary cheese pizza it was extra cheese lol....

When we were done from boston pizza it was around 7pm , and then again we decided to go have some dessert at Demetres which is also in the Amc Winston Churchill Plaza. Me and my friend just shared a cheese cake because we were kinda full so we just thought why not just share it.

During that evening I told my friends my birthday is coming up and i actually want to lose some weight and look really fit ! we usually go to the sheridan gym only 2 days a week. So then we all thought we should now go more often atleast 5 times a week because my birthday is just in 2 and half weeks pretty close.

I came home around 9 pm talked with my parents and sisters , and then after I just watched tv , went on the compture . After I went to sleep around 11pm. My day was a tiring day and overall i enjoyed it !

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