Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 9 Saturday May 1st my mommy coming back :)

Today was going to be a great day because my mom was coming back from her one week vancover vacation !

I Woke up early at 7:ooam , I wanted everything to be perfect before she comes , she was going to be coming around 12:00pm. So I cleaned the whole house took me atlest 2 hours and my sisters helped me as well . Also me and my sisters were making a lunch for my mother , we were making my culture rice which is called Chicken Biryani - All Recipes . Chicken biryani is very good and tasty a lot of people would love to eat it , we were making it for my mom also because it is her favourite traditional rice. I made sure even though I was making everything perfect for today I still did not forget to go for my daily walk , but I went for only 30 mins today. I came back home right at 12 , my mom arrived at 12:30 at home :) and We surprised her with the whole house being nice and clean and making her favourite rice , she was really happy !

I told my mom I was going to the gym for my workout and she said okay fine go but do come back early because I want to spend sometime with you. I went to the gym from 2-4pm , I rushed myself home to spend some vauleable time with my mother. My mother was really happy that I made sure everything was good this past week she was gone and she was proud me of making some good decisions by going to the gym and eating healthy. I was normally known as a junk food eater but now I made myself a active person which made me very proud of myself. That evening me and my mom both did some yoga because my mom loves doing yoga , it was something new for me was really interesting. Yoga helps your body out as well , Overall my day was great I was so happy for my mommy to come back and for dinner I loved eating the chicken biryani !

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