Well finally it's a friday and this friday I had special plans with some of my close friends , during the evening.
My day begain with waking up at 9am , went for my daily walk came back in a hour. Today I felt eating something diffrent not the same old things I usually eat , So I made myself my culture breakfast which was something like bread but our tradition bread with some butter and jam it was delicious.
After the breakfast I made sure everything was fine at home , and today I had no school so that was the bestest thing ever I was so ready to go the gym for my workout. I went to the gym around 11:00am until 1:30pm. I was so excited and happy to do my fitness activites today it was such a relaxing day , no sterss , no school just me and my workouts. My work out overall went well I actually tried something very interesting which was the dance room and I put my ipod on and danced In the room for atleast 30 mins it was so fun , because dance is my passion I just enjoy it ! When I was done from the gym I went to eat Subway , I bought a whole wheat sub wit tuna and some veggies on it , for the drink I got a water bottle. Now that was a healthy lunch and It made me so proud of myself . I went home around 2:00pm and took a shower , cooked some dinner for my sisters and dad but not for myself because Iwas going out tonight with my girls .
I got ready and left my house around 7:00pm me and my girl friends went to the movies to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street , it was the first day of the movie coming out we got our tickets from before it was pretty packed. The movie scared me a lot and when I got home that night I felt something would happen to me I was all pancked and thought whoever lives on elm street or road might be dangerous for them. At the movies I just had a snack which was nachos and cheese with diet coke. I was not that hungry when I got home I was just scared. I went to sleep right away with my sister in her room , because me and my sister both have this thing if we watch a scary movie we must sleep together not alone and its more safer I guess. Overall my day today was amazing loads of fun things but the most that made me happy was I was working really hard for achiveing my goals.
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