Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 16 Saturday May 8th 2010 ... CLEAN UP DAY AND VOLLEYBALL DAY

Today I knew it was not going to go that well , we had to clean up because our house was messy . We had a party one day before so we have to do the clean up. I woke up at 12 , and started to help my mom clean and my sisters as well. After when I was done the clean up I had a glass of water with some fruits. I was really tired to even go to the gym , so me and my sisters played volleyball in our backyard. We played it for atleast an hour it was fun ! I was now like we should play volleball offten , I am so happy that I try new things everytime and it is all thanks to my family as well they always come up with these entertaing plans. After the volleyball games my mom made all of us lunch , for lunch I had a turkey sandwich and some salad with orange juice to drink with. That sandwich made my day go better it was so good ! I just love food but nowdays I am keeping a limit since I want to be physical active and my goal is to look healthy before my birthday . My birthday was coming up just 5 more days It was , my family was planning a surprise for me already. Overall today was just all about Spending time with the family and having a great time playing volleyball . Lastly , for dinner I just had a Salad again with some water . I went to sleep right after my dinner which was really early for me , it was around 9:00pm.

Day 15 Friday may 7th 2010 THANKS GOD IT IS A FRIDAY :)

I am so happy because it is a Friday finally and today is hopefully going to be a good day because I am having a little get together at my house with my close friends and me and my mom are going to cook some great food today !

I woke up at 9:00am , went for my daily walk came back home just ate a half bagel with cream cheese and milk to drink with. My Mother had told me that I have a dentist appoitment around 2:30pm so I have to sign out early from school. I went to school , stayed until 2 and then left for my appoitment. The dentist told me that I should get braces and I think I should to so I am going to be getting them in 2 weeks. When the appoitment was finished I went home to help my mom out for the evening , we made loads of food such as , Biryani , Pasta , Salad , Tandrooi chicken , and for dessert my mom just bought chocolate fudge cake. I was so excited to have a piece of that cake because chocoalte cake is my personal favourite. I did not even get to do any physical healthy activite but I sure did yoga for 20 mins with my mom. My friends came over at 6 , we did a lot of things such as dancing , talking about interesting things and just chilling out there. I had a great day and was really happy ! Overall all my fridays come out to be good and im glad they do .

Day 14 thrusday may 6th DESSERTDAY AGAIN

Today once again was going to be our dessert day which is every thursdays as you know and I am very excited when thursdays come because it is close to fridays and I love it when the weekend comes closer. I woke up at 10:00am , did not go for walk but I just did a warm up at home by doing push ups and sit ups. My mother told me that today when I am done school me and her are going to be going the gym and that she needs my help there because it was going to be her first time going there. I was really excited because going to the gym with a family member I think is very much unique and fun you would enjoy yourself better there. Today I ate in the morning was just an egg sandwich with a cup of tea. I rushed myself to school , had a wonderful day in class today everything was just great. After school I met up with my mom at the sheridan gym we workedout for 2 hours and then after our great workout my mom decided to treat me dinner because I helped her out a lot in the gym. For dinners me and my mom went to SWISS CHALET and I orderd chicken quisedea. It was delicious just to good I loved it , yet again today was dessert night , so after our dinner my dad met up with us along with my sisters at DEMETRES :) I just got a slice of CHEESE CAKE which was so tasty and good. Demetre usually have the best cheese cake in town I reccommend everyone out there to go try it. When I got home that night I thought to myself wow I probably gain a lot of weight but i did not. I did my homework and went to sleep around 11. Overall my day was pretty intresting especially spending the time with my mom at the gym , it made me feel that I can help my mom learn new things ! and I am very proud of myself.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 13 Wednesday May 5 ---- oh no night school again !

Today was going to be a tough day for me because I had night school once again and no time for me going to workout. I woke up at 9:00am , went for my daily routine walk came back watched some tv. My mother made me Grill Chesse sandwiches with whole wheat bread and a glass of fresh milk. Now thats what I call a great MEAL ! My mom was telling me that she will be starting to go the gym from tomorrow and she had already got the membership , I was like thats a good thing because we can go together as well. I went to school and then during break I had an apple. After school as my daily routine for night school I took the bus to SHERIDAN and then take the GO bus. I feel that I really should go get my g2 because I really want to have my own car so I can travel by myself not by the bus . I went to night school and I was just working on my journal assingment , and after that we were watching a movie which was called BIG FISH. The movie was so long it made me feel like going to sleep we weren't finish the movie , the teacher said that we have to finish watching it the next class which was on Monday !

I was like oh great another day of watching this movie. When I got home I was so hungry I was litreally dieing to eat. My mom had made pizza , so I just grabbed a slice and ate it.

I fell asleep right after my dinner because I had a really tiring day and it was boring except for having the GRILL CHEESE in the morning !

day 12 Tuesday may 4 Mcdonalds day out :)

Today was going to be a good day because I have time to do my workout and go out with my close friends. My day begain with me waking up at 9:30 , went for my one hour walk came home and had a glass of milk with a whole wheat toasted bagel with herban garlic cream cheese.

My mom told me that she wanted me to do yoga with her today and I told her whenever I come back home I will defenitly do it with her. My daily routne , went to school after school went to the gym for my workout. My workout went well , when it was finished I went to eat with some close friends , we went to Mcdonalds . I know Mcdonalds is not good for your health but me and my friends felt hey we haven't had it for along time so why not . Mcdonalds had some healthy things there so I had 2 chicken grill wraps with Coke Zero to drink with. I felt this food was not that bad atleast I didn't get any of the burger combos and fries , if i orderd that it would ruin my goal and my weight losing process. When I was done eating my food , me and my friends went to Oakville place , and did some shopping over there. I went home around 5;00pm , my mom was waiting for me . We did yoga right away and it was really enjoyable. I told my mom she should join the gym as well and she thought about it and said yes you are right because she wants to be physical active as well. That evening me and my sister talked about our goals and our future , we had a pretty serious talk. Before going to sleep I had a glass of milk and then I went to sleep peacefully which was around 10pm. Overall today was a great day having Mcdonalds that was the bestest part of my day because I did not have Mcdonalds for along time !

Day 11 monday may 3rd , 2010

Oh no it is a monday again and I dislike mondays and sundays a lot. I woke up around 9:30 am went for my hour daily walk , came back ate cereal. Today I thought I should pack a healthy lunch , so I packed some fruits , a whole wheat egg salad sandwich , which I made and some fresh orange juice. I left for school around 11:30 , went to class learnt new things Infact i enjoyed todays class. When it was break time I had my lunch and one of my friends was like wow and surprised that I was eating something healthy and I told her it is good for your health and you should do it as well , like eat healthy things. She looked at me and said yeah you are right I should keep myself healthy and have a maintain body. After school I took the bus to sheridan college because I take my night school GO bus from there. I had night school that evening I was just like oh know I do not feel like going at all but I have to because I want to pass the course and get my credit. Night school for me was really tiring , When I got home that night I just ate some salad and a garlic bread. I did not even get to do any physical activites but one thing I had healthy food today , once again proud of myself ! I went to sleep after my dinner around 11:00pm that was my day on monday .

Day 10 Sunday May 2nd 2010 boring day ! but a lots of ENERGY !

Today Did not go that well , since it was a sunday , sundays are usually very boring for me and very lazy day for me.

I woke up very late as in around 12:00pm , I only sleep in on sundays. When I woke up my mother had told me today we are going to my grandmas house for dinner and I was like that will be boring but not being rude I do have respect I will go because I respect my mother a lot and plus I did not have seen my grandma for a while so why not. My mom and I did some yoga again and we went for a jog outside for atleast a hour , so no walking today just jogging. When I came back home me and my sister decided to play basketball outside my house , we have a basket ball net . We played for at least 45 mins , I was actually very tired but It made me feel I have loads of energy today ! and I was really physical active.

But today still did not go that well because of me being so lazy and I found everything boring , I didn't even eat anything right, during the day I just had a glass of orange juice and a half carrot muffin. I did my homework and then got ready for my grandmas house. At my grandmas house we were going to have dinner , the dinner was all our culture food . I ate like rice and meat , felt very bored there. We came home around 9pm , I went to bed right away !

Overall today was pretty boring but in a way a very active day for me.