Sunday, April 25, 2010

Healthy Eating !

Mel's Question : " I keep reading about the importance of getting the proper nutrients in food i eat. What exactly are the nutrients I need ?"

My response to Mel's question : Mel i think the nutrients you need are the six classified nutrients , which are carbohydrates , protiens , fats , Vitamins , Minerals and water.

Ameera's question : "I heard that eating foods rich in carbohydrates is recommended for healthy living. What are the carbohydrates , and what do they do for the body ? what foods should I eat to increase my intake of carbohydrates ?"

My response to Ameera's question : Ameera , carbohydrates are the starches and sugars present in your foods. They give your body carbon , oxygen , hydrogen. Also they make your body have energy including four calories per gram. The foods you should eat are : whole grains , seeds , nuts , beans and vegetables such as Potatoes.

Joel's question : "My doctor suggested that I increase my intake of protein. What foods would you suggest I eat?"

My response : Joel I suggest you to eat a lots of meat products and many soybean products. This will help you increase your intake of protein.

Mei Lin's question : "I always thought that eating fat was bad for you . Now I read that some fats are good for you. What are the facts ?"

My response : Mei Lin , you should be aware that some fats are in diet and it is necessary for your own good health. There are many facts on fats and you should read all the main roles about it and understand them , to have a good choice for yourself.

Megan's question : " I know I get Vitamins and minerals from my food , but does the body store and use every vitamin in the samy way ?"

My response : Megan , there are different kinds of vitamins for your body cells and they all work differently. Also the body doesn't store these vitamins , so you really need to know about them regularly and know what foods you eat in your daily Basis.

Kwame's Question : Everyone says that you have to drink a lot of water every day. What is so important about water ?".

My response : Kwame's water is very important for you because it transports other nutrients to and carries wastes from your cells. Also water helps you maintain normal body temprature. It is really important to drink water atleast 2 litres a day to maintain your health.

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