Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 3 Sunday April 25 !

Oh know it's a Sunday and I always find Sunday pretty boring . My day basically begain me waking up around 7 am because my mother was leaving for the airport her flight was at 10 so we all got ready and went for a family breakfast. I didn't have time to go for my daily walk I did feel bad then i was like it is okay if I miss it

for a day. For breakfast me and my family went to Denny's that was pretty interesting ! The breakfast over there is very nice , I had something called the " The Grand Slam" which is a very popular breakfast in their menu.

I got to choose 4 items so i chosed :

. Toast

. Scrumbled eggs

. Hashbrowns

. And hashbrowns again !

for the drink I had french Vanilla.

That breakfast does sound exciting but it seemes like I had a lot of calories and I think I should really work on my goal to lose some weight and look fit for my birthday but I guess I thought it's fine just for today. After the wonderful breakfast we went to the airport to drop my mom. Even though my mom is leaving for a week and a half I started to cry in the airport when she was leaving because me and her are really close. I went home after the airport and went to sleep for 2 hours. I woke up around 1pm then went for my walk that I missed in the morning , I came back from my walk around 2:20ish. After my walk I did some of my school homework watched a movie and then spent time with my sistes. Sundays are usually a lazy day for me not much to do I dont even go to the gym this day because it just seems way to boring. My sundays are boring as I said but i had a great dinner with my sisters and dad. We ate around 7:30pm and had brown food and the brown food was called Biryani it is our traditonal rice it was just to tasty.

After having my delicious dinner I cleaned up as in did the dishes and cleaned the whole kitchen . I went to sleep really early well it is early for me I don't know if its early for others , It was around 9pm. I went to sleep early because sundays for me is a boring day and nothing better to do so why not sleep !

Day 2 Saturday April 24 !

I just love it when it is Saturdays because it's the weekend and you can do a lot of

interesting and fun things on your weekend. My day begain with me wakeing up around 10:00am then I got ready went out for my usual routine my one hour walk. I came back from my walk around 11:10ish then I had breakfast for breakfast I eggs and toast :) that sounds yummy ! Whenever I have eggs and toast I always drink it with orange juice . After having my amazing breakfast I got ready and went to the Sheridan gym and worked out for 2 hours. So i went around 12 and basically i was there until 2 , It made me really tired but it is worth it you should always be physical active and plus I needed to lose some weight for my birthday . For my work out I did things like :

. Weights for 20 mins

. 20 Sit ups

. 20 Push ups

. Ran on a threadmill for atleast 30 mins

. danced they had a dancing room

. Did a stomach exersize don't know whats it called.

Overall my work out was perfect i totally enjoyed it ! but it did make me tired. Then after the gym I went home and that saturday my mother was leaving for vancover for a week and half. I was kind of upset because I know I will miss my mother a lot even though she is going for that shor of time but still I am really close with her.

My dad thought we should all go out for dinner before my Mother leaves then we all went for dinner around 7pm . We went to Mandrine all you can eat chinese buffet ! I was so excited because chinese is my favourite food.

I ate a lot I hope I did not gain a lot of calories because I did go to the gym and had a nice workout.

After eating that food I went home spent time with my mother she was leaving on sunday morning.

I went to sleep around 12am. Saturday wasn't very much to do but i enjoyed my work out !

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 1 Friday April 23rd !

Fridays for me is usually a very busy day ! My day begain with waking up around 9 am and then I got ready and

went outside for a walk for an hour.

I enjoy going on walks It is my daily routine going on a walk for an hour everday whenever I wake up in the morning. When i came back from my walk it was about 10:05 ish then , I had some breakfast to eat and I had Pankcakes and some milk to drink ! .That was a delicious breakfast :) it made my morning even better.

After my breakfast it was around 10:45 I got ready for school and left my house around 11:15ish . My dad dropped me off to school around 11:30 . My class starts at 12:20 so i was about an hour early for class..

When class started it was actually pretty interesting this class has made me learn really new things that i didn't even know ! After class I took the bus to sheridan College in Oakville I got there by 4:10 ish....

I usually go to sheridan college on fridays because me and my close friends meet up there and then we go out and do something fun and exciting ! So this friday when I got there we decided to go somewhere nice to eat

so we ended up going to Boston pizza near Amc Winston Churchill ! we took the bus to go there and got there by 5ish..... I ate a Small basic Cheese Pizza with a coke to drink with and it was amazing because i love eating cheese pizza and this wasn't a oridnary cheese pizza it was extra cheese lol....

When we were done from boston pizza it was around 7pm , and then again we decided to go have some dessert at Demetres which is also in the Amc Winston Churchill Plaza. Me and my friend just shared a cheese cake because we were kinda full so we just thought why not just share it.

During that evening I told my friends my birthday is coming up and i actually want to lose some weight and look really fit ! we usually go to the sheridan gym only 2 days a week. So then we all thought we should now go more often atleast 5 times a week because my birthday is just in 2 and half weeks pretty close.

I came home around 9 pm talked with my parents and sisters , and then after I just watched tv , went on the compture . After I went to sleep around 11pm. My day was a tiring day and overall i enjoyed it !

Monday, April 26, 2010

Web Quest : How Nike Can Inspire" !

Links : - Michael Jordan "Failure" Nike Commercial - Nike Basketball - Nike: My better is better

The products they are selling are pretty straight forward , they are for any people who play sports such as the main sport would be basket ball. The products include , running shoes , clothing and things to do with sports.

I personally think that these ads are great and they are doing a good job promoting it. Nike was really popluar and still is a lot of people enjoy buying there things. I suggest all the people who play basketball go out there and buy NIKE Items !

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Healthy Eating !

Mel's Question : " I keep reading about the importance of getting the proper nutrients in food i eat. What exactly are the nutrients I need ?"

My response to Mel's question : Mel i think the nutrients you need are the six classified nutrients , which are carbohydrates , protiens , fats , Vitamins , Minerals and water.

Ameera's question : "I heard that eating foods rich in carbohydrates is recommended for healthy living. What are the carbohydrates , and what do they do for the body ? what foods should I eat to increase my intake of carbohydrates ?"

My response to Ameera's question : Ameera , carbohydrates are the starches and sugars present in your foods. They give your body carbon , oxygen , hydrogen. Also they make your body have energy including four calories per gram. The foods you should eat are : whole grains , seeds , nuts , beans and vegetables such as Potatoes.

Joel's question : "My doctor suggested that I increase my intake of protein. What foods would you suggest I eat?"

My response : Joel I suggest you to eat a lots of meat products and many soybean products. This will help you increase your intake of protein.

Mei Lin's question : "I always thought that eating fat was bad for you . Now I read that some fats are good for you. What are the facts ?"

My response : Mei Lin , you should be aware that some fats are in diet and it is necessary for your own good health. There are many facts on fats and you should read all the main roles about it and understand them , to have a good choice for yourself.

Megan's question : " I know I get Vitamins and minerals from my food , but does the body store and use every vitamin in the samy way ?"

My response : Megan , there are different kinds of vitamins for your body cells and they all work differently. Also the body doesn't store these vitamins , so you really need to know about them regularly and know what foods you eat in your daily Basis.

Kwame's Question : Everyone says that you have to drink a lot of water every day. What is so important about water ?".

My response : Kwame's water is very important for you because it transports other nutrients to and carries wastes from your cells. Also water helps you maintain normal body temprature. It is really important to drink water atleast 2 litres a day to maintain your health.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Heart And Stroke

According to the Health Risk Assessment Report it says that my family history has many things to do with diabetes or high blood sugar , high blood pressure , high cholesterol and a family history of heart disease early in life.

It says about me that i have already started to make some healthy changes and i am going in a right path if i really work on it it can help me reach the level of success i deserve. Overall i am in a good path but it does tell me that i need to talk with my healthcare provider about taking a blood test because it might concern a high blood sugar problem . Also it says i need to talk to my health care provider about blood pressure and it get checked as soon as possible because there may be a problem because of my family history.

Basically now i need to do is to go and check out my blood pressure and high blood sugar thing and i hope there wont be anything wrong .

On facebook right now i have a positive comment from my friends and i always do because my friends never right anything neagative on my facebook which makes me feel very good about my self and my friends.